FYI: This is My 2nd Blog

Hi there! You're here at my second blog where I do interviews and book reviews.

In case you're looking for my 1st blog, where I share my IWSG posts and other musings, just go to "The Musings of a Hopeful & Pecunious Wordsmith, SittieCates".

Monday, December 8, 2014

#Review: 30 Seconds by Chrys Fey

30 Seconds by Chrys Fey

This one's for adults. 

Short, fast-paced and captivating. 

A potent mix of romance and suspense that will keep you turning the pages. 

Rating: 5 stars


  1. When I saw the title of this post I immediately thought, OH NO! lol But then I read the rest. Thank you so much for this short and sweet review. :D

    1. lol! Oh, I didn't know you would drop by, Chrys. :-) Yeah, I was thinking you would have that reaction since I didn't tell anyone what book I was going to review. :-) Don't worry. It was a lovely read, Chrys. And you're most welcome.

  2. I really enjoy Chrys' writing.
