FYI: This is My 2nd Blog

Hi there! You're here at my second blog where I do interviews and book reviews.

In case you're looking for my 1st blog, where I share my IWSG posts and other musings, just go to "The Musings of a Hopeful & Pecunious Wordsmith, SittieCates".

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Love My Kindle for PC!

I understand how everyone loves Kindle to pieces! Nowadays, even if you don't have one, I learned that you can still enjoy purchasing and reading your favorite books with a Kindle reading app that can be downloaded to your PC.

I've just downloaded my Kindle for PC and above is a snapshot of the free app once its installed. The three books are part of the library and I just can't wait to start reading 'em. ;-)

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